This is the third post in a series of blog posts showing how to set up networking in Linux using low-level tools.

In this part we talk about limiting the broadcast effects of multicast using IGMP/MLD snooping in the Linux bridge (software switch). Our context, as usual, is industrial networking with a focus on embedded devices.


The Linux bridge recently gained support for per-VLAN IGMP/MLD snooping. It stands fine on its own legs, with lots of new per-VLAN settings. But since it lives in the bridge, it cannot know about any VLAN interfaces that may (or may not) sit on top of the bridge. There are naming issues (br0.1 vs vlan1), and the fact that an interface can have multiple IP addresses assigned to it. Therefore, the current bridge implementation in br_multicast.c can only1 act as a proxy querier, i.e., for IGMP this means it can only send queries (per-VLAN) with source IP

To understand why this might be a problem there are two things to consider:

  1. Some networks don’t have a (dynamic) multicast router2. Usually the multicast router is the IGMP/MLD querier for a LAN, but some LANs consist only of (industrial) switches that try their best to limit the spread of multicast3 on low-capacity links or to end devices sensitive to too much data
  2. Some end-devices discard queries with source IP This is of course wrong, but good luck telling a PLC vendor they should change their embedded firmware of an aging product, or even the customer site to upgrade their locked-down system with a brand new firmware – these people don’t like change and sometimes because it comes with drawn-out re-certification processes

So, proxy queries are allowed per RFC, but that might not work with some end-devices, and we can’t disable proxy-query because some end-devices don’t do gratuitous join/leave. Hence, we need a service to provide us with an IGMP/MLD querier that can (at least) use one of the IP address on the interfaces we have on top of the bridge. Here we present one solution to that problem, called querierd.

However, first we need to talk a bit about IGMP and MLD, which are foreign concepts to many, and magical buggy fairy dust that doesn’t work, to some.

Actually, it’s not at all uncommon that many IGMP/IGMP snooping implementations in the wild are buggy. So you can find many (!) live networks out there that simply have disabled it on all switches just to get anything to work. This is of course both unsafe and can cause a lot of overload on end devices, since unregulated multicast is then treated as broadcast.


IGMP/MLD snooping means a switch, or in this case the Linux bridge, can “snoop” on the IGMP traffic from the elected querier and all multicast receivers on a LAN. IGMP is the control protocol for IPv4 multicast and MLD is the control protocol for IPv6 multicast. Both regulate the flow of multicast on a LAN and are very similar, except for the IP protocol. We will focus on IPv4 in this post.

The basic mechanism in IGMP is similar to a newspaper subscription, a sales person (querier) calls up potential customers (all end devices) in their distribution area (LAN); “Do you want multicast? (Query)” and the customers (end devices) answer (IGMP report) with the newspaper(s) (group(s) they want to subscribe to.

As you can see, there are two types of IGMP/MLD control packets:

  1. IGMP/MLD query, sent by the elected querier
  2. IGMP/MLD report, also called “join” or “leave” from earlier protocol versions. E.g., an end device wants to “join a group”, meaning; stop filtering this group for me

The IGMP/MLD snooping mechanism is responsible for:

  1. Forwarding queries from the elected querier to all end devices on the same LAN (members of the same VLAN).
  2. Forwarding responses to queries (reports) from end devices to the querier.

In both cases it then uses the information of which port the querier is connected to, and which port(s) an IGMP/MLD reply was received on. These ports are then used to selectively: flood multicast data towards the querier, and forward multicast data (or not) to end devices.

  1. The port where queries are received, this is where all multicast data should be flooded – it’s the distribution point for all multicast, which may or may not be routed further.
  2. The port(s) which send multicast subscription replies (reports) are recorded in “filters”, one filter per group (per VLAN) with a list of ports to forward to.

The bridge can be configured to, by default, flood or not flood unknown multicast traffic to end devices. In many setups you may want to prohibit flooding by default, so that multicast is only forwarded if an end device has subscribed to it. However, due to limitations in the underlying switching chipsets, this “block by default” approach may not always be possible. So, a compromise, which is also the Linux bridge’s default, is to have flooding of unknown/unregistered multicast per port enabled by default, and start filtering when it knows more. I.e., when it has snooped its first IGMP/MLD report.


The setup presented in this blog post is very limited. There are no VLAN trunk ports, only a basic bridge split in two separate broadcast domains. Please see the Linux Networking Bridge post if you want a refresher of the basics.

The default setup in NetBox is to have all ports in VLAN 1, so add the second VLAN, move the ports, and remember to set br0 as tagged member of both VLANs:

    IP:   vlan1     vlan2   IP:
                           \   /
                      /  |   :  |    \ 
                  eth0 eth1  :  eth2 eth3
                    VLAN 1   :    VLAN 2

With the basic setup out of the way, we enable multicast snooping and IGMPv3 proxy querier on the bridge. This is the load bearing feature that we later build on with querierd:

$ bridge vlan global set vid 1 dev br0 mcast_snooping 1 mcast_querier 1 mcast_igmp_version 3
$ bridge vlan global set vid 2 dev br0 mcast_snooping 1 mcast_querier 1 mcast_igmp_version 3

Enabling IGMP/MLD snooping per VLAN, and other per VLAN settings, on the bridge is only possible using iproute2 v5.16.0, or later. In our examples we use NetBox, which has all the necessary tools and a matching kernel. See that project for how to build the OS profile of the Zero target (x86_64) to play with this in Qemu (make run). Remember to set QEMU_N_NICS=4!

As soon as the vlan1 and vlan2 interfaces are UP, the bridge initiates IGMP queries on both VLANs, so you should see unique queries going out on all eth-ports. In both tcpdump(8) and Wireshark you can see the IGMPv3 flag being set:

joachim@wbg:~$ tcpdump -plni qtap3 
tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode
listening on qtap3, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 262144 bytes
17:26:05.697222 IP6 fe80::5054:ff:fe12:3456 > ff02::1: HBH ICMP6, multicast listener query v2 [gaddr ::], length 28
17:26:05.697345 IP > igmp query v3

To see all the per-VLAN settings:

root@zero:~# bridge vlan global show
port              vlan-id
br0               1-2
                    mcast_snooping 1 mcast_querier 1 mcast_igmp_version 3 mcast_mld_version 2 mcast_last_member_count 2 mcast_last_member_interval 100 mcast_startup_query_count 2 mcast_startup_query_interval 3125 mcast_membership_interval 26000 mcast_querier_interval 25500 mcast_query_interval 12500 mcast_query_response_interval 1000 

The query interval (125 sec) and router timeout (255 sec) are default values from the RFCs. Notice the scale of these, so if you want to change them you don’t set them too low! See the RFC for recommended defaults, e.g. timeout = 2 * 125 + 10/2.


Now, to address the inherent problems of only having a proxy querier, mentioned in the introduction. Westermo developed a small and basic querier daemon for userspace, called querierd. It is derived from the upstream mrouted project and then whacked at with a bat to get into shape for its new task.

querierd is installed by default in NetBox, it starts up by default on vlan1, so all we have to do is uncomment the second to last line to activate it also on our vlan2 interface:

# /etc/querierd.conf: default NetBox configuration

# Query interval can be [1,1024], default 125.  Recommended not go below 10
#query-interval 125

# The interval inside the query-interval that clients should respond
#query-response-interval 10

# Last member query interval [1,1024], default 1.  The igmp-robustness
# setting controls the last member query count.
#query-last-member-interval 1

# Querier's robustness can be [2,10], default 2.  Recommended to use 2
#robustness 2

# Controls the "other querier present interval", used to detect when an
# elected querier stops sending queries.  Leave this commented-out, it
# is only available to override particular use-cases and interip with
# devices that do not follow the RFC.  When commented out, the timeout
# is calculated from the query interval and robustness according to RFC.
#router-timeout 255

# IP Option Router Alert is enabled by default, for interop with stacks
# that hard-code the length of the IP header
#no router-alert

# Enable and one of the IGMP versions to use at startup, with fallback
# to older versions if older clients appear.
iface vlan1 enable igmpv3
iface vlan2 enable igmpv3
#iface vlan3 enable igmpv3

If you want, you can uncomment also vlan3, even though it doesn’t exist (yet), querierd does not go to the sad place, it’s just prepared to automatically start as soon as it’s added, UP, and has an IP address.

Remember to restart the daemon after you change its .conf file:

root@zero:~# initctl restart querierd

To see the status, we use the querierctl tool:

root@zero:~# querierctl -p
Multicast Overview
Query Interval          : 125 sec
Robustness Value        : 2
Router Timeout          : 255
Fast Leave Ports        : 
Router Ports            : 
Flood Ports             : eth0, eth3, eth1, eth2

Interface         State     Querier               Timeout  Ver
vlan1             Up           None       3
vlan2             Down               None       3

 VID  Multicast MAC         Multicast Group       Ports
   1  01:00:5E:7F:FF:FA       br0, eth0

This reminds us that we haven’t yet set an IP address, or even brought the interface UP! So we do that, and assign the proper address (without restarting querierd):

root@zero:~# ip link set vlan2 up
root@zero:~# ip addr add dev vlan2
root@zero:~# querierctl -p
Multicast Overview
Query Interval          : 125 sec
Robustness Value        : 2
Router Timeout          : 255
Fast Leave Ports        : 
Router Ports            : 
Flood Ports             : eth0, eth3, eth1, eth2

Interface         State     Querier               Timeout  Ver
vlan1             Up           None       3
vlan2             Up           None       3

 VID  Multicast MAC         Multicast Group       Ports
   1  01:00:5E:7F:FF:FA       br0, eth0


Now, as an exercise to the reader, you can start playing around with the setup. Emulate IGMP reports from end devices, investigate the various querierctl commands, and compatibility output options. E.g., we use -p here only to make the output more blog friendly.

Also, connect multiple NetBox devices, using qeneth or GNS3, to test querier election (lowest IP in a LAN wins, except for, and router (querier) timeout with fail-over to another querierd.


Much if the original innards of querierd have been gutted and new DNA strands grafted onto it from other related projects, such as pimd. The only missing part, currently, is the MLD v1/v2 querier support, which is planned to be grafted from pim6sd.

There are however other possibilities, one such is to convert it to a full-blown bridged (plans for this are currently shelved), which can take care of all the layer-2 bridge setup (port VLAN memberships, and all per-VLAN settings) and active functions like a querier for IGMP/MLD but also GMRP/MMRP for MAC based multicast subscription, and other types of layer-2 services and policy that don’t belong in the kernel.


  1. Well not really, there is support for using the IP address of the bridge, but you do not want to use that since the kernel will go dumpster diving for any address. 

  2. A multicast router can be any of the DVMRP or PIM families of protocols. Open implementations of these include, but are not limited to: mrouted, pimd, pimd-dense, and PIM-SM/SSM in Quagga, and Frr

  3. Remember, unregulated multicast is broadcast. Meaning you can easily run into overloading your networks.